No warrants for my arrestWhen ever I am stopped by the police I always refuse to tell them my name.Yes it is legal you don’t have to tell the police your name. Well the Supreme Court decision Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District Court of Nevada which pretty much flushed part of the 5th Amendment down the toilet. Even after that decision you can and should refuse to tell the police your name. Remember anything you say will be used against you. And if you give the cops your name that is giving them something to hang you with later on if they have a grudge against you or just hate. Now with Hiibel v Nevada you have to have to tell the cop your name only if 1) they have “reasonable suspicion” to detain you and 2) your state has a law requiring you to tell the cops your name. This is very important so listen carefully. The cop has to tell you that this law requires you to state your name1. You only have to VERBALLY tell the cops your name2, you don’t have to answer any of their other questions3. And no where in the law does it say you must give the cop ANY id card. It says you must verbally STATE your name. This is the law Arizona has on its books. 13-2412 Refusing to provide truthful name when lawfully detained; classificationWhen the cop stopped me I said “hey pal I ain’t got time to talk to you, bye see you later”. The pig knew I had every right to tell him f* off, so he lied and told me that he had “reasonable suspicion” to detain me and that I was under arrest. In his lie he said that “somebody had reported a guy with a blue sweatshirt and a hat setting fires”. I immediately told the cop I was taking the 5th Amendment and didn’t want to answer his questions. Of course cops will always flush your constitional rights down a toilet in an attempt find something to put you in jail for so the cops continued to ask me questions despite the fact that I told him I was refusing to answer them. I told the cop my name was Mike Ross because Hiibel v Nevada allows that. I refused to answer all his other questions including the question of what my birth date was. Cops want your birth date so they can run a check to see if you have any warrants out for your arrest. And if you refuse to give them your birth date that makes it harder for them to run the check. The cop ran a check on me for warrants and three people with my name had warrants for their arrests. One had a birth date in 48 or 49, the other had a birth date in 53 and I don’t remember the birth date of the third person. All three of the people had tattoos so the cops violated my 4th Amendment rights and searched me for tattoos. I suspect the cops illegally searched me, which is a violation of my 4th Amendment right because they forced me to raise my sleeves and show them I didn’t have the tattoos the other guys have who had warrants out for their arrest. Why do I suspect this? Because the cops stopped me claiming I looked like a fire bug who was setting fires. If they searched me for matches and lighters and other stuff arsonists carry around when they do their work I would understand that. But these cops didn’t search me for anything, until after they ran a check to see if I had any warrants out for my arrest. It was only then that they searched me for tattoos. Another odd thing about my arrest was after I took the 5th the cops didn’t illegally ask me any questions about the alleged fire bug who I don’t think exists. They only asked me questions about other stuff. And when they discovered I didn’t have any warrants out they quickly released me. I suspect the ONLY reason they stopped me was because I look like a homeless bum and they wanted to shake me down to see if I had any warrants out for my arrest. I don’t think there was any report of a fire bug. Any how to find out about people who have warrants for their arrest in Arizona or perhaps more specifically Maricopa County you can go to Sheriff Joes site Techno Cops and enter names to see if they have any warrants out. That sites long ugly URL is: you type Ross M into the form it returns these names (on June 13, 2009) None of those names matches the dates of birth that the cop told me were in his data base so I suspect that Sheriff Joe’s data base is full of as much BS as Sheriff Joe is. I suspect that the cop was looking at the ACIC data base which is probably the most current version. If you click on each of Sheriff Joe’s names it will give you a page which shows the detailed data about the person. Sheriff Joe’s page doesn’t list things like tattoos and looks like this: