Bus pass I used on the day I was arrestedThis is the bus pass I used on the day I was arrested. Note it is a month long pass that expires on June 14, which is the day after I got arrested. Also note it is number 039070.I bet the number is saved on the bus fare boxes and they can trace each and every bus I road on that day. I should also get the electronic records of when I was using at the library. That should cover my butt from 10 am to 4:30 or 5:00 pm. Then after that I can use the above bus pass to cover my butt. The part of the bus trip I positively remember is that I took the 66 bus and got of at around 7:01 p.m. at the Circle K on 68th Street and McDowell in Scottsdale. I may have got on that bus at the Tempe Transit Center on 5th Street and College in Downtown Tempe. If I did board at the Tempe Transit Center I probably had photos taken of me there which I can also use to cover my butt. The Saturday schedule for the 66 bus says it leaves the Tempe Transit Center at 6:49 pm. Now I may have got on the 66 bus at Mill and Broadway. In that case I would have got on at about 6:41 pm. In that case there would not be any photos of me at the Tempe Transit Center because I would not have got off the bus. I could have taken the earlier 66 bus at 6:11 pm and just went downtown and hung out. I don’t remember. I may have taken the 92 bus from Priest and Broadway to the Tempe Transit Center. In that case I would have got on the bus at Priest and Broadway slightly after 6:10 pm and gotten to the Tempe Transit Center at about 6:24 pm. I may have taken the 45 bus from Priest and Broadway to Mill and Broadway. In that case I would have got on the 45 bus at about 5:56 pm or 6:26 pm and arrived at Mill and Broadway around 6:08 pm or 6:38 pm. I could have also taken the 65 bus from Broadway and Mill to the Tempe Transit Center. In that case I would have got on at 5:56 pm or 6:26 pm and arrived downtown at the Tempe Transit Center at either 6:04 pm or 6:34 pm. |