Scottsdale cops pretty worthless in locating the record
Dear False Arrest Victim : I'm on hold with the Scottsdale Cops records unit. I've talked to 3 or 4 different folks in the last 15 minutes, including a Sgt. Evans, who told me that w/o an incident # or report #, it's almost impossible to narrow down the actual specific incident, & subsequent report. He had me talk to another lady in Records. A lady named Bev, in Records, just asked me if I knew where the incident occured. I said "No, but a suspect was questioned sometime after 7:50pm that evening. I think he was questioned on McDowell Rd. , near 64th or 68th Street". She put me on hold, came back a couple minutes later, & then said that she's got ~ 120 calls to research in the 6 - 9pm time slot, that could pertain to that incident, but w/o more info, it would be almost impossible to nail down the specific "stop " (of you), or the specific call re: the guy in the Blue sweatshirt & hat, setting fires." Is the e-mail below yours? Please advise. **************** |